Norme: ICP & ICP/MS CRM- Standard interne pour ICP/MS
Ref | Composés | Volume en mL | Concentration mg/L | Solvant | Conservation en mois |
CJIIM0247 | ICP-MS Internal Standard – Au 100 mg/l | 100 | 100 | HCl 2% | 12 |
CJIIM0248 | MS6925.K1.2N.L1 ICP-MS Internal Standard – Be 100 mg/l | 100 | 100 | HNO3 2% | 12 |
CJIIM0249 | MS3926.K1.2N.L1 ICP-MS Internal Standard – Bi 100 mg/l | 100 | 100 | HNO3 2% | 12 |
CJIIM0250 | MSE11C.K1.2N.L1 ICP-MS Internal Standard – Cs 100 mg/l | 100 | 100 | HNO3 2% | 12 |
CJIIM0251 | MS6994.K1.2N.L1 ICP-MS Internal Standard – Eu 100 mg/l | 100 | 100 | HNO3 2% | 12 |
CJIIM0252 | MS59E8.K1.2N.L1 ICP-MS Internal Standard – Ga 100 mg/l | 100 | 100 | HNO3 2% | 12 |
CJIIM0253 | MS69E9.K1.2N.L1 ICP-MS Internal Standard – Ge 100 mg/l | 100 | 100 | HNO3 2%/ 0,1 HF% | 12 |
CJIIM0254 | MSB0BE.K1.2N.L1 ICP-MS Internal Standard – Ho 100 mg/l | 100 | 100 | HNO3 2% | 12 |
CJIIM0255 | MS8C82.K1.2N.L1 ICP-MS Internal Standard – In 100 mg/l | 100 | 100 | HNO3 2% | 12 |
CJIIM0256 | MSDE98.K1.2N.L1 ICP-MS Internal Standard – Pr 100 mg/l | 100 | 100 | HNO3 2% | 12 |
CJIIM0257 | MSAAE4.K1.2N.L1 ICP-MS Internal Standard – Re 100 mg/l | 100 | 100 | HNO3 2% | 12 |
CJIIM0258 | MS06E6.K1.2C.L1 ICP-MS Internal Standard – Rh 100 mg/l | 100 | 100 | HNO3 2% | 12 |
CJIIM0259 | MSE2D9.K1.2N.L1 ICP-MS Internal Standard – Sc 100 mg/l | 100 | 100 | HNO3 2% | 12 |
CJIIM0260 | MSDE6D.K1.2N.L1 ICP-MS Internal Standard – Tb 100 mg/l | 100 | 100 | HNO3 2% | 12 |
CJIIM0261 | MS1837.K1.2N.L1 ICP-MS Internal Standard – Y 100 mg/l | 100 | 100 | HNO3 2% | 12 |
CJIIM0262 | MS1F40.K1.2N.L1 ICP-MS Internal Standard – Yb 100 mg/l | 100 | 100 | HNO3 2% | 12 |
CJIIM0263 | ICP-MS Internal Standard 2 – 8 components; 10mg/l each of Bi ; Ho ; In ; 6Li ; Sc ; Tb ; Y ; Rh |
100 | 10 | HNO3 2% | 6 |
CJIIM0264 | 5188-6525.L1 ICP-MS Alternate Internal Standard 2 – 8 components;100mg/l each of Bi ; Ge ; In ; 6Li ; Lu ; Rh ; Sc ; Tb | 100 | 100 | HNO3 | 12 |
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